
You need someone to advise, analyse, advocate and act. I can do that.

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You need someone to advise, analyse, advocate and act. I can do that.

I'm a Test Strategist. I see the big picture, and how the details matter. I'll help you and your team to understand your shared values, so that you can work in concert towards an achievable future.

I believe that good testing provides vital information to those building and using a system. Good testing can provide that information swiftly, in a way that aims for relevance and which can demonstrate evidence. You'll get the most use from me if you want the truth about the systems you're delivering.

You'd get someone recognised by the testing industry, with hands-on experience in banking, telecoms, utilities, retail and more. I'm good with tools, good with people, good with crowds – and I'm as happy talking with the board as I am talking with new hires. I've worked with startups, vast institutions, blue-chips and unicorns. Your organisation and situation are unique, and I've seen enough uniqueness that I can cope.

I'm expensive and valuable, expert and discreet, available swiftly and only as much as needed.

How you might use me to help your Organisation

  • You could ask me to check over particular products, projects and teams, to judge how they are working from a testing point of view.
  • You could share my time with your suppliers and clients, with the aim of finding ways to help everyone's testing serve the overall needs.
  • You could resolve sticking points by engaging me to work with a disparate group to clarify how each views their testing needs and constraints.
  • You could ask me to help your decision-makers to understand what's happening in testing, the capabilities of the testers, how to translate organisational values into testing actions, and to identify how the information flows from testing into key decisions.
  • You could ask me to work with your senior testing team on their structures, strategies, tooling and tactics, seeking to achieve coherence in their approach to software quality.

How you might use me to help your Relationships

  • You could demonstrate your commitment to your client by bringing me in as a temporary expert resource, especially around exploratory testing.
  • You could engage more closely with your supplier's people by share a training course, or resolve difficulties by asking me to provide an independent assessment.
  • You can grow connections with peer teams in your ourganisation with a shared testing workshop.
  • You can build new connections with teams in your wider organisation by sending out a general invitation to a lunch-and-learn on test strategy, test perspectives or bug diagnosis.

How you might use me to help your Product

  • You could ask me to work with your product owners and business analysts to discover ways that they can use testing work and budget to get to higher quality, or swifter time to market.
  • You could ask me to work with your key users to identify what matters to them about product quality and functionality, and how they can help your developers to deliver those characteristics.

How you might use me to help your Project

  • You could ask me to judge whether the testing actions on the project match the values of those planning testing work, and whether both together help the project to deliver value on schedule, or (perhaps) what they hinder.
  • You could ask me to coach or teach key staff on the project in testing skills, aligned with overall project values.

How you might use me to help your Team

  • You could ask me to teach your team to explore, investigate and diagnose.
  • You could ask me to work with a high-performing team to see what makes them that way, what be successfully transferred, and how to help the transferred approaches and skills to stick, and how to assess if it's working.
  • You could ask me to assist a troubled team to identify the most-acheiveable ways to adjust their work to better fit their situation.

How you might ask me to help your Individuals

  • You could ask me to help your new test manager to get to grips with the role.
  • You could ask me to work one-to-one with your testers as they explore.

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