Imagining Questions
Used in the Questions, Questions workshop and Workroom PlayTime 008
Imagine that you're in one of the scenarios below...
- you're meeting a colleague, who needs a new function to be tested
- you've just joined a new testing team
- you're trying to find out what someone needs to see in your test report
- or make up your own scenario this is meaningful to you
Share your scenario on the board. Read everyone's, group up if you like, go solo if you prefer.
Solo, in pairs or small groups (5 mins): Write down the questions you would ask to find out more information.
Analysis (5 mins): How would you order your questions? What patterns and gaps can you see? How would you change to respond to that analysis?
Exchange (5 mins): Share what you learned.
Optional extension 1: Share your questions for your scenario
Optional extension 2: swap scenarios, add questions to each other's sets, notice further patterns and gaps.
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