Photo by Mick Haupt / Unsplash

Making Logs for Teaching

Tools Feb 7, 2025 (Feb 7, 2025) Loading...

When I'm testing, I spend time with logs.

I don't have a go-to library of log makers to use when I want to teach someone how I use logs.

So I've started one of my own:

GitHub - workroomprds/logmaker: a repo to contain various tools to make logs, so that people can play with logs
a repo to contain various tools to make logs, so that people can play with logs - workroomprds/logmaker

Contents a short shell script to generate a rapidly-updating log. The log is size-limited, and meaningless. It's random., but not uniformly random. It's multi-process and headless, so it does have job control – call with start to start, and stop to stop. It writes to /tmp/simulated_log.txt and puts another two files into /tmp – use at your own risk.

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