A 4x4 grid of circles. The four central circles are pale, most of the edge ones black, three are yellow

Exercise: Notation for Puzzle15

Exercises Mar 6, 2025 (Mar 7, 2025) Loading...

In this exercise, we'll explore BlackBox Puzzle15.

As usual with a BlackBox Puzzle, we'll aim to work out what's going on. My rule of thumb is that I can describe the behaviours in a tweet.

As a variant for this exercise, we'll try to think about how we're keeping track of what we see and do, and of the models we make.

Short – 20 minutes

20 minutes long, sharing encouraged.

Do make a choice about how you'll keep notes. You're welcome to choose to keep notes in your usual way (maybe that means no notes), or in a way that is new to you, or to try out several approaches in a group. We'll talk about choices.

7-10 mins exploring

We'll talk about how the notes influenced your actions, and about what actions you recorded (or didn't) in your notes.


  • Share your notes
  • Tell the story of your testing, using your notes as a memory aid.
    • think about the relationship between the time you explored in, and the time you needed to think about your exploration, and the time you need to retell it
  • What models helped? Did any approach mislead you?
  • Describe how the model of the system came to you.

Support (to a separate page later)

Our perception and our memory are separated by time – and fundamentally influence each other. This exercise may give insight into how that influence works for you.

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