Sign Up for Online Workshops

I've got two series of online workshops planned; one on the BlackBox Puzzles, one on AI and Testing. Both series will be in six parts, across six weeks. Each workshop will be interactive and focussed on systems testing.

BlackBox Puzzles

6-week series to run on Fridays, 12 noon London time (13:00 CET).

July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4 and 11.

We'll learn about exploring, about building models of what we find, and about checking those models. I won't tell you what puzzle we'll be exploring until we get into the workshop.

Signups for series 1 are closed. I may have a couple of spaces for subscribers (email me).

AI and Testing

6-week series to run on Wednesdays, 2pm London time (15:00 CET).

July 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16.

One tool a week. We'll see where the wind takes us. I've got TeachableMachine, StableDiffusion, Cody, ChatGPT in mind – you'll see that I'm tilted towards generative AIs.

Signups for series 1 are closed.


Pick a series. Subscribers get to sign up first (you can ask me to subscribe you in your signup mail). Numbers are limited.

These series are free. If you want to make a financial commitment, please help Jacob Bruce or donate to DEC.

I'll confirm with a link to the series page. We'll be on Zoom / Miro.

I’ll work to keep to these dates / times. I’ll give you as much notice as I can if there’s an unexpected change.

More to come

Yes. Some free, some limited to paying subscribers, some for a one-off fee.

I expect to run a 12-part series on Exploratory Testing this autumn.