Photo by Diane Picchiottino / Unsplash

PlayTime 006 – Explorable Interfaces II

Feb 12, 2025 (Feb 12, 2025) Loading...

We'll gather on Zoom / Miro, on Friday 14 February at 4:00pm London time (local time for you) for this weeks' Workroom PlayTime, which is on Exploratory Interfaces.

We'll play using the Exercise Exploring Fixed Input. As support, here's something on Exploratory Interfaces, which I'll add to as I go.

These exercises are for everyone, for free. Paying subscribers get to play together.

Other things this week:

Community stuff: Subscriber kudos to Uros Stanisic, who recently pointed out a rubbish link in a recent PlayTime page. Remember to get a submission in to Agile Testing Days. I dropped into MoT's Testing Planet on Quality Engineering last week, and found handy perspective on the "Engineer" title in Isabel Evans' description of her research into what we do in our jobs vs the titles we get (on Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory's Donkeys and Dragons vlogcast thing).

Things to play with: Apart from the new exercise, I've put up a couple of new toys from last week's PlayTime:

VSCode with command line access to a server – accessible via workshop participants' browsers. Ansible scripts on GitHub.

Browser-based VSCode for Workshops
Putting a cloud server and IDE into workshop participants’ browsers.

A fast-moving log, first in a series of artificial logs for teaching with. Shell script on GitHub.

Making Logs for Teaching
Pointer to a github repo of tools that make logs

That custom exploratory interface I teased you with a few weeks ago (built with/by Claude to help me exercise a piece of code) is about to land, but that depends on half term and my various conflicting / meshing responsibilities. Argh: adulting.

If you want to encourage me to keep going, switch to the paid subscription – and that means you can be sure of a weekly invite to come and play.

Cheers –


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