Photo by Austin Chan / Unsplash

PlayTime 007 – Sloganise for all subscribers!

Feb 19, 2025 (Feb 19, 2025) Loading...

We'll gather on Zoom / Miro, on Friday 21 February at 3:30pm London time (local time for you) for this weeks' Workroom PlayTime, which is Sloganise from SpeakerPrep.

Regulars should note the slight shift in time: we're 30 minutes earlier for this one. If we're all lucky, this week's blurred background will be different: I'll be in Kew Gardens with family, and will take a risk of pixellation by coming in by mobile.

These exercises are for everyone, for free. Paying Subscribers get to play together every week.

Other things this week:

Things to play with:

It's half term, so everything's a bit half-baked.

Nevertheless, here's a short article

Judging by Content, Delivery, and Bravery
How I Judge Talks

and a related exercise

Exercise: Abstract Judgement
Judging an abstract, and thinking about judgement

I've still not got all the ducks in a row for the custom exploratory interface I teased you with a few weeks ago. I'm putting together a supporting page on Ephemeral Tools, now, too... about which much more, soon.

If you want to encourage me to keep going, switch to the paid subscription – and that means you can be sure of a weekly invite to come and play.

Cheers –


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