PlayTime 009

Mar 6, 2025 (Mar 6, 2025) Loading...

We'll gather on Zoom / Miro, on Friday 7 March at 3:00pm London time (local time for you) for this weeks' Workroom PlayTime, which is Notation for Puzzle15. Feel free to put your name on the Miro board if you're coming.

This session will be 20 minutes long rather than 15.

Last week, I wrote about some changes I'll make to Workroom PlayTime. We're already trying the longer session length, and the persistent Zoom room. I've not yet been able to schedule anything far in advance, and you can see that I've not yet moved from Fridays. I'll send details when I can.

There are new articles and a conference announcement to share, too – I hope to send a newsletter at the weekend.

These exercises are for everyone, for free. Paying Subscribers get to play together every week.

Cheers –


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