TestCoast Gothenburg 2023
I'll be in Gothenburg on 21 September, delivering a half-day workshop "Making Sense with Exploratory Testing" at Test Scouts' conference TestCoast.
Workshops are sold out, but there are seats left for the afternoon talks... and I'm putting something special together for that, too.
See you there?
Bengt Augustsson on LinkedIn: TestCoast Gothenburg 2023 - Afternoon and evening, Thu, Sep 21, 2023, 1:00…
Test Coast 21/9 Over 140 persons has registered to our meetup group. The morning workshops has already a waiting list (we are currently working on extending…
TestCoast Gothenburg 2023 - Afternoon and evening, Thu, Sep 21, 2023, 1:00 PM | Meetup
*(ENGLISH DESCRIPTION IS BELOW THE SWEDISH INTRODUCTION)* Äntligen! Den 21 september är det dags för testkonferens i Göteborg och några av världens ledande testpersonligh

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