Weird Word 1
An observation that might tell us something about what lies beneath the tools we use directly.
In my currently-favoured editor, Bear, I typed

MacOS spellcheck suggested, as the sole substitution:

Which is an odd option. I was distractible-enough to dig in.
That weird word isn't in any of my dictionaries. I went to see if the suggestion was on the internet... maybe as a word from another language, maybe as a plausible misspelling.
DDG assumed the suggestion was the word I'd intended:

This carries on for the rest of the page.
Of course it does, because

So: what am I revealing here? I know that search and lookup isn't straightforward: I'm aware of the lossy magic of bloom filters, and I get that there's almost certainly a large language mode in the background. I'm curious.
Something puts these three collections of letters in such close proximity (in whatever coordinate space it is using) that it offers them as substitutes for each other. Not a substitute from a list, and not the top sub. The only sub. And as Apple's MacOS spellcheck and DDG's lookups do such similar weird things, that something might be shared. Weirdness reveals unknowns; similar weirdness reveals a pattern.
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