Photo by Sumaid pal Singh Bakshi / Unsplash

Workroom PlayTime 002: Exploratory Interfaces I

Jan 16, 2025 (Jan 16, 2025) Loading...

This week's Workroom PlayTime is on Friday at 3pm London time. We'll dig into ideas around Exploratory Interfaces, and will play with the exercise Changing Input Mechanisms.

Those links will take you to new pages on the site. The pages are for everyone – having subscribers encourages me to make them, and to make them available to our whole community. Thank you for your encouragement.

Paying subscribers get more interaction. If you go to the PlayTime 002 page, and you're a paying subscriber, you'll find you have access to Zoom and Miro so we can meet and play together on Friday. If you want to come play, hit upgrade – it's currently a fiver a month.

In a change of tack for next week's PlayTime, I'll run a SpeakerPrep exercise from the set that Bart Knaack and I have run at events over the last few years. See Workroom PlayTime for more.

Here's news: I'm going to teach a double-length interactive workshop at EuroSTAR in Edinburgh in June! The workshop, Test-Driven Generation, a Hands-on Experience, is an extension of the one that Bart and I delivered at Agile Testing Days.

I'm thrilled to be on the program. Ping me if you're going, and want to meet.

I've had a flurry of new writing and exercises for the site. You'll find new content at Exploration Without Interaction, the start of a long topic at Exploratory Interfaces, and three new exercises to play with: How do You Explore a System, You vs the Machine, and Changing Input Mechanisms. Two of those exercises link to toys which you won't have seen before unless you've been to an in-person workshop. You may also be interested in a big new addition to Exploring Without Requirements.

Finally, shout out to Elizabeth Zagroba, who pointed me to an embarrassing 404 on subscribe and to the dodgy email address used on earlier mailouts, and to Lisa Crispin, who mentioned that a calendar link for PlayTime would actually help. Public gratitude to Lisa again for (I believe) mentioning PlayTest in the Women In Test group, and to MoT's Simon Tomes for having me on the Week in Testing show last Friday.

Have an excellent rest of the week!

Cheers –


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