Workshops with @Workroomprds

Jun 29, 2023 (Jul 5, 2023) Loading...
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I'm planning some online workshops.

Each workshop will be 40-60 minutes long. A series will be six workshops long.

I have several series in mind right now. I'm gauging interest, and will probably run the most-popular first.

I expect to limit numbers to around a dozen per workshop. We'll use Zoom and Miro, or possibly the TestLab Facility in GatherTown.


We'll do (at least) one of my BlackBox Puzzles every week. We'll learn about exploring, about building models of what we find, and about checking those models.


We'll play with AIs, as testers. One tool a week, and we'll see where the wind takes us.  I've got TeachableMachine, StableDiffusion, Cody, ChatGPT in mind – you'll see that I'm tilted towards generative AIs.

Speaker Prep

Each week, one of the exercises from this Speaker Prep workshop (developed with Bart Knaack). We'll work on abstracts, content, delivery and more – and we'll work on the ideas and interests you bring.

Exploratory Testing

Coming soon, for paid subscribers.

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